Formal Education
Ph.D. (Sociology), University of California, Los Angeles, March 1993
M.A. (Sociology), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, July 1986
B.A. (Philosophy), Sichuan University, July 1983
Teaching and Research Interests
China Study, Economic Sociology, Institutional Analysis, Organizational Behavior
Statistics and Methodology
Professional Appointments
April 2006-Present Associate Professor, Sociology Faculty, The Graduate Center of City University of New York.
Sept. 2005-Present Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Brooklyn College of City University of New York.
Sept. 2004-July 2005 Visiting Scholar, Asia/Pacific Research Center, Stanford University.
January 2004-July 2005 Tenured Associate Professor at Chinese University of Hong Kong. ( On leave from July 2004-July 2005)
January 2001-July 2005 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
January 1994-Dec. 2000 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Selected Publications in English
•· Peng, Yusheng. Forthcoming. "Foreign Direct Investment and SOE Performance in China: Evidence from the Third National Industrial Census." Research in the Sociology of Work.
- Peng, Yusheng. 2007. "What Has Spilled over from Chinese Cities into Rural Industry?" Modern China 33(3): 287-319. (Lead article)
- Davis, D., P. Landry, Y. Peng, and J. Xiao. 2007. "Gendered Pathways to Rural Schooling: the Interplay of Wealth and Local Institutions." The China Quarterly 189: 60-82.
- Peng, Yusheng. 2005. "Lineage Networks, Rural Entrepreneurs, and Max Weber." Research in the Sociology of Work (15): Entrepreneurship, Pp.327-355.
- Peng, Yusheng. 2004. "Kinship Networks and Entrepreneurship in China's Transitional Economy." American Journal of Sociology 109(5): 1045-74. (Lead article)
- Peng, Yusheng. 2001. "Chinese Villages and Townships as Industrial Corporations: Ownership, Governance, and Competition." American Journal of Sociology 106(5): 1338-70.
- Lau, Chongchor and Yusheng Peng. 2000. "Explaining China's Rural Industrialization: The Roles of Social Capital, Human Capital and Economic Fundamentals." China Report 36(3): 354-369.
- Peng, Yusheng. 2000. "Intergenerational Mobility of Class and Occupation in Modern England: Analysis of a Four-Way Table." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 18: 291-314.
- Peng, Yusheng. 1999. "Agricultural and Nonagricultural Growth and Inter-County Inequality in China, 1985-1991." Modern China 25(3): 235-263. (Lead article)
- Peng, Yusheng. 1998. "Agriculture, Rural Industries, and Peasant Income in China." Development and Society Vol. 27(1):1-31. (Lead article)
- P Zucker, L.G., M.B. Brewer, M.R. Darby, and Y. Peng. 1996. "Collaboration Structure and Information Dilemmas in Biotechnology: Organizational Boundaries as Trust Production." Pp. 90-113 in Trust in Organizations, edited by R. M. Kramer and T. R. Tyler. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Peng, Yusheng. 1992. "Wage Determination in Rural and Urban China: A Comparison of Private and Public Industrial Sectors." American Sociological Review 57:198-213.
Refereed Publications in Chinese
- 彭玉生 2009,"经验研究的结构:"洋八股"与中国社会学",《社会学研究》,定稿
- 彭玉生 2009,"当正式制度与非正式制度发生冲突:宗族与计划生育政策",《社会》第29卷1期,37-65页
- 彭玉生 2008,"中国转型经济中的宗族网络和私营企业",《中国社会学》第六卷,26-53页
- 黄宗智、彭玉生 2007,"三大历史性变迁的交汇与中国小规模农业的前景",《中国社会科学》2007年第4期,74-88页
- 彭玉生 2004,"宗族网络与农村私营企业发展",载北京大学社会学系编《21世纪与中国社会学:庆祝北京大学社会学系建系20周年学术讲座论文集》,292-305页。北京大学出版社
- 彭玉生 2006,"中国的城市向乡镇企业辐射了什么?",《中国乡村研究》第4辑,315-352 页。社会科学文献出版社
- 彭玉生、折晓叶、陈婴婴 2003,"中国乡村的宗族网络、工业化、与制度选择", 《中国乡村研究》第1辑,251-271页。商务印书馆
- 彭玉生 2002,"中国的村镇工业公司:所有权、公司治理与市场监督", 《清华社会学评论》第四卷,1-19 页
When Formal Laws and Informal Norms Collide: Lineage Networks versus Birth Control Policy in China
文章访问量:4767 2010年05月13日“洋八股”与社会科学规范
文章访问量:10728 2010年05月06日当正式制度与非正式规范发生冲突:计划生育与宗族网络
文章访问量:4528 2009年01月31日What Has Spilled Over from Chinese Cities into Rural Industry?
文章访问量:4576 2005年07月13日Kinship Networks and Entrepreneurs in China’s Transitional Economy
文章访问量:5934 2004年03月31日Chinese Villages and Townships as Industrial Corporations: Ownership, Governance, and Market Discipline
文章访问量:5186 2001年03月31日